In an unexpected and politically divisive move for doctors and hospitals alike, the US College of Pediatric Medicine has taken...
It's shocking to see the number of cases involving preborn and newborn babies that are coming to light as pharmaceuticals...
Covid appears to be the gift that just won't stop giving. While the jury is still out on all of...
Today, privacy is paramount to securing your personal information online. Without it, you are ripe for victimization from a myriad...
Three American tourists stabbed after being told to stop filming in popular Puerto Rico neighborhood In Mexico, critics have long...
It should NOT BE that every issue, every disagreement has to end up in a court of law.One would think...
When courts rule, how final is that ruling? If a parent runs up against a judge or other court personnel...
I have a number of issues that stem from Covid-19. My husband’s job switched him to a new company, even...