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Yes, you can get your legal questions answered without spending a fortune. There are people who can help you figure out who can help you and how, without going ‘lawyer shopping’ — which consumers complain feels a bit like walking a completely blind alley.

It’s simply too easy to contact the wrong attorneys, waste time waiting for call backs and contacts from people who already know your question isn’t a case they would handle or the issue at hand is too time-consuming to be worth their while.

A lot of times, all the consumer needs is a letter from a law firm to get the assistance they need to resolve an issue.

Don’t be drawn in by subscription based firms that promise they’ll be there for you and, if you do, be sure to drop the subscription after the issue is resolved because, if you don’t, you’ll find that they will drop YOU if you ask a series of questions and they’ve already gotten a big pay day from you.

One US based company is under scrutiny for exactly this procedural practice and, since they are a type of ‘insurance’, this is unlikely to end well for them.

If you have issues you’re not sure how to address, call us. Our services are always free and you won’t find yourself walking that proverbial ‘blind alley’ with us. We’ve got your back.